● How to buy?
Here are some step-by-step instructions to help you make an order at our website:
(1) Register with our website for free. Members have a 20% discount.
(2) Log in your account. The displayed VIP price is the price after discount.
(3) Search or browse products, and if you wish to buy them, click "Add to cart". You can remove them later or adjust the quantities if you want.
(4) After adding what you want to shopping cart, then check out.
(5) At the Check Out page, you can choose payment methods. We accept credit cards. You can't pay directly on the website. After you submit your order, we will process your order and send you payment email.
** If there is problem with shopping cart, you can also send item numbers to our email. Or contact us through our WhatsApp link.
● Is it safe to buy?
Yes, guarantee! you can buy 1 item for the 1st time by credit card and 100% safe.
(1) All products you buy from our website enjoy a 3-days-refund or exchange guarantee. All products go through strict inspection before they are shipped out.
(2) You are supported by email before and after placing an order, and you can get full product information before purchasing.
(3) Your goods are packed carefully, and the packages are correctly labeled and accompanied by all the paperwork that's needed for smooth clearance through your country's customs.
(4) The information we collect from you is used only to process and ship your order. We are serious about protecting our customer's personal information. We will not sell, rent, trade or give away individual personally identifiable information entered on this site to any third party.